Oh my! I haven't been able to update my site in days. I apologize. Although I doubt I have any people following this website. :) I am going to try and get back into it again. And I'm also trying to get in shape. Before and after pictures are a must. And I will post a new tab for my exercising fatalities. Hahaha!
Ever since Molli was born (and even before that), I have felt so disgusted with myself. I need to lose 20 pounds in order to be at my pre-pregnancy weight. My normal self. And I would like to lose more than that. So instead of being a cry baby about myself, I decided I'm going to do something about it. On self.com, I found a program that I'm going to try! Maybe Sean will help me! I'm going to start eating healthy foods (or healthier) and cooking meals everyday (YAY! Dirty dishes galore!). I will also be on an exercise regimen. Toning twice a week and cardio 3x a week. I hope I can do it!!! And if any of you are interested in knowing about the program, here's the link!
Wow. A lot has happened since my last post, and I'm sorry that I haven't written in so long. But.. Molli was due April 5th. But she decided to come a whole 2 months early on February 5th! She is in the NICU, but in really good hands and doing so much better than she was. I wanted to update everyone. :) But for now, I am totally busy, and will write when I'm not.
Sunday night will be my last night with Sean for three months. He will be going to Parris Island to join the U.S.M.C. While he's there, I will have Molli, too. I am going to miss him so... :/
I will write him every single day that I can, and I will cherish every letter he sends me. I love him so much...




You know the feeling of fresh, young love? Where it feels as if your souls combine every time you see each other and do not separate when you part? The feeling of a warm, spring sun melting away the last snow drifts of a dead winter, awakening a green growth of blossoms. Being a mom exceeds that beautiful, miraculous feeling infinitely. You can only hope for a love as joyous as spring, and when you become a parent, you finally get that, and a lot more. I love my daughters. Both of them. I cannot wait to meet Molli. April, hurry up!